
The Process

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The Great Embrace Process focusses on becoming free.
Free from our identification with the ‘I’ , the ‘Self’, the ‘Ego’ and all the suffering that is associated with these.
When we reflect upon ourselves, it is nigh impossible to properly define ourselves.
What are we exactly?
Even though we do not know the answer to that question, we still identify with the way we express – manifest – ourselves. That is the manner in which we present ourselves here and now.
Although that manner of (re-)presentation, manifestation, could be based on spontaneous responses to current events, we choose not to. We instead choose to draw from a pool of old artefacts because we have always identified ourselves with these.
We believe that is what constitutes us – we believe that what has shaped us in the past necessarily must shape us now, too.
We feel that we must express all the suffering and pain of the past through ourselves – either consciously or unconsciously.
This is actually not true.
The only thing we can say with certainty is that we are that which we make manifest at this moment in time. Actually, our manifestation is nothing else than expressing – breathing life into – our True Nature.
The less we express previous occurances, the less we present ourselves in terms of our identification with ‘that which was’, the freer we become. We thus can be more and more just that which is.

The Great Embrace Process aids you with this.
It is a powerful method to let go, to heal and to become who you truly are.
It is used to learn how to recognise and get to know ourselves – to see the obstacles that prevent us from living freely, and to transform these obstacles in powerful, viable energy so that we may present ourselves in our purest form.

For this here are two options:
1. Workshops and retreats.
2. Personal consultation.

For the dates / times on which workshops and retreats are organised, please see
workshops and retreats.
For personal consultations you may wish to make an appointment through
contact and organization.

How do we engage?

1. Workshops and retreats.
During these meetings we usually address a central theme.
This may be a theme suggested by either the client or myself.
In all cases, the objective will be to heal, to relieve ourselves of any burdens and to come into contact with our True Nature.
So that you may afterwards feel liberated and more spacious.

2. Personal consultations:

  1. We start with inventorying. What experiences do you have, what traumas and illnesses. What do you perceive as obstacles in your life – which do you regularly face? What are your fears? What drains a lot of your energy? What drags you down
  2. What do you wish to work on?
  3. We will explore ’the Self’, during which we often find ‘voices’ or ‘aspects of ourselves’ which may be dominant, or repressed. This usually provides major insights into our own behaviour.
  4. A good way of finding hidden obstacles is by examining chronic issues of a physical nature. These may be an expression of an underlying emotional problem. Healing the underlying problem may help in relieving the physical pains. (N.B.: our treatment never relieves you of the responsibility of consulting a G.P. or specialist!)
  5. Using the The Great Embrace Process, we are capable of removing even the heaviest of obstacles. Fears, traumas, anger, addictions or for example relationship issues may be transformed into ‘allies’ that provide us with strength, wisdom and energy rather than draining us of these.
  6. In addition, it is possible to process extremely traumatic experiences. After a traumatic experience it may be the case that you experience regular relapses in the form of emotions, fears, insomnia or having difficulties talking about that which has befallen you. The Great Embrace Process allows you to overcome this trauma and find peace.
  7. Emotional barriers and physical complaints can be treated especially well through the Process and fade incredibly quick.

Allow yourself a GREAT EMBRACE.