

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques.
This technique has been developed by Gary Craig, after which others have adjusted and amended the original version.

When there is something that we should truly let go of, then EFT is the method of choice.
Is it a technique that serves to regain your emotional freedom.
We use it to free you from negative emotions and cognitions.
To make memories of traumatic events lose their emotional charge.

And to get rid of chronic illnesses and general physical problems.
Just like with EMDR, it is possible to use EFT in order to (dis)solve problems that seem to have no solution.
This truly means ‘to dissolve’:
In a nearly improbable way, problems and obstacles will melt away like snow before the sun

While EMDR bases its technique on cognitions (thoughts about yourself), EFT is based on emotions. The core idea is that emotions are the reasons for problems. These problems can be personal, but many physical complaints are also rooted in emotional instability.
By accessing the emotion, the pain, the root of these complains and by healing it, by transforming it, the complaints that flow from it disappear.

In my experience, it is difficult for some individuals to formulate a cognition required to start the EMDR session. They were however able to point out the exact emotions connected to it.
In addition, I noticed that sometimes physical responses to specific events occur after EMDR sessions.
With EFT you use exactly this emotional charge and these physical sensations in order to go to the root of the problem.

Emotional tension is contained within your BodyMind – in the system of your mind and body.
That tension is the source of a whole array of effects that you can experience through your mind, emotions and body.
Should these tensions remain present for an extended period of time, they may cause physical and mental problems.
By accessing this tension, accessing the emotional pain and through the simultaneous tapping of ‘meridian-points’, they will be released and transformed.
The associated complaints then disappear automatically.

We are not entirely sure about the way the tapping works.
As with EMDR, several theories have been proposed in order to explain this.
In fact however, as with other techniques, it is not all to important how they work, but rather that they work.
EFT works – effectively and lasting.

Discovering the painful emotion that is at the root of all kinds of problems is the key features of EFT.
If the problem is physical, you will be asked what the emotion is that you associate with it. If the problem is personal, you will be asked to determine the underlying emotion and the place in the body where this emotion is located.
Once proper contact is established, a number of ‘Meridian-points’ will be tapped.
The points are located on top of the head, around the eye, on the upper- and lower lip, the collar bone and the wrist.
Through this tapping the emotional charge disappears or is transformed into a positive emotion.

EFT is applicable in a multitude of ways.
There is for example the ‘classical’ approach that deals with emotions separately.
There is also the variant which focusses on the ‘letting go’ of anything that may burden you.
And there is a rather incomprehensible yet exceptionally effective technique that is based on ‘surrogate tapping’. This technique works well with people who are closely connected, such as a mother and child; by tapping the mother, the child is healed.

In my experience, EFT can be applied to effectively anything.
Especially those problems that we unconditionally assume to be a part of our lives often respond impressively well to it.
Chronical pains, unpleasant characteristics, traumas, deep-rooted sadness and everything that would otherwise appear immovable.
EFT works particularly well with children. They are often well-connected to their emotions and do not appear to be stuck by their experiences.
As such, children only need very short sessions in order to completely get rid of their problems.

Give yourself a tapping Embrace.